Just Hate your Website? – Need a Change?
Just can’t stand looking at your website anymore?
You know your website is in need of a serious face-lift but you’re worried about the cost, or you just don’t have the time to get it done.
It happens. We’re busy people. And as much as you know it’s time to revamp your website, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Global Star Websites is your answer. We specialize in successful websites for businesses while keeping the prices low.
Your website should be bringing you business. Often users report that their websites do little to nothing for them. In fact they question if they should even have a website at all.
The bottom line is how you use it. Some believe the best solution is to just drive traffic to your website yourself and not worry about the search engines. In fact I was one of those people for years. Others hope that people will stumble on their site with a search query.
Well, both of those points of view are valid, but people underestimate the power of a well optimized photography website. Search can be and should be a major source of your income.
Here are some things that can kill your website with the search engines.
Flash websites
Not mobile friendly
Lack of textural information
Poor or no SEO
Website Speed
Cheap on-line web theme shops that you design and maintain yourself just don’t do the trick. Sure they give you a site, but that’s about it. You need a site that brings in business. A site that more than pays for itself. A site that makes you money.
That’s where we come in. We’ve developed a system that gives you what you really need without the expense of a custom designer.
We start with a modern, mobile-friendly theme that’s already designed exclusively for businesses. Based on an optimized WordPress platform that many people already know, you can use the easy drag-and-drop editor to design the site yourself.
But why not use our exclusive “Kwik-Start” program to get your site launched and maintained for a full year? We work with you to get the images and text we need to launch a successful – professionally designed website. Then, we build it with the best in SEO standards and optimization. All for a fraction of the price you would pay a local designer to do it.
Website Speed
One of the other things that can really hurt your rankings with the search engines is the speed in which your site loads. There are many things that control this and photography websites fall victim to this all the time. As photographer’s websites are image rich, there is real danger in having a site that is attractive, but deadly slow. While this can hurt you with the search engines, more importantly it hurts you with potential customers.
We work with this all the time and have the tricks up our sleeve to give you the fastest loading website possible. We do this not only with proper website design and optimization but with the latest design trends including “just-in-time” page loading and optimization.
Then we put it on the fastest hardware you can get. Our low density servers use only high speed SSD drives instead of normal hard drives. We use caching servers and CDN’s to substantially speed up your site’s performance. When it comes to page load speed – We’ve got you covered.
Features Companies need.
Companies need to show images. So we’ve added features like advanced portfolios to make showing and changing picture portfolios powerful and easy.
With HTML5 replacing flash, we can give you enhanced image slider controls to make your site active and attractive. There’s no better way to get and keep people’s attention.
We give you the ability to have an online shopping cart to sell your products. It’s built right into your website with the tools you need to make uploading new galleries and selling online as easy as pie.
Get your site up and running fast
Start now by looking over our gallery of website themes for photographers here and change your business today.